USDOT Number

What is a USDOT number?
It is a unique number assigned to a company allowing business to be conducted as a for hire carrier working inside the state of residence or as a private carrier via intrastate and/or interstate operations hauling private property. No other company can be issued your company’s unique number if business operations cease. The USDOT and FMCSA uses this unique number to assess your safety ratings, complete: audits, compliance reviews, crash investigation, and inspections.

**Your USDOT number must be visibly displayed on both sides of your vehicle. **

Why does my company need a USDOT number?

  • Operating a commercial vehicle over of 10,000 lbs. GVW/GVWR
  • Transporting more than (8) passengers (including the driver) for compensation, whether direct or indirect.
  • Transporting more than (15) passengers (including the driver) and not used for compensation.
  • Hauling hazardous materials (also requires a safety permit and placarding).

A USDOT number is populated and issued FREE via the FMCSA. GFL can assist you with obtaining this number for a fee of $125.00 and will include an electronic BOC-3 Filing and serving as your Compliance Agent.Â